EDU 101-Quiz#1

EDU 101-Quiz#1
EDU 101-Quiz#1

What is the focus of pragmatism and progressivism in education? 
a) Developing discipline and obedience 
b) Promoting rote memorization 
c) Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills 
d) Encouraging conformity to societal norms 
Answer: c

According to pragmatism and progressivism, where is meaning derived from? 
a) Inherent in objects or ideas 
b) Cultural constructs 
c) Religious beliefs 
d) Individual experiences 
Answer: d

In pragmatism and progressivism, how is knowledge gained? 
a) Through memorization of facts 
b) Through individual experience
c) Through obedience to authority 
d) Through standardized testing 
Answer: b

What is the role of the teacher in pragmatism and progressivism? 
a) Dictator of knowledge 
b) Facilitator of student learning 
c) Enforcer of rules and regulations 
d) Authoritarian figure 
Answer: b

According to reconstructionism and existentialism, where does knowledge come from? 
a) Inherent in textbooks 
b) Sensory experiences and interaction with the environment 
c) Religious scriptures 
d) Cultural traditions 
Answer: b

What is the emphasis of reconstructionism and existentialism in education? 
a) Memorization of facts and figures 
b) Developing conformity to societal norms 
c) Encouraging personal growth and self-actualization 
d) Promoting obedience to authority 
Answer: c

Who determines values and ethics in reconstructionism and existentialism? 
a) Society as a whole 
b) Religious authorities 
c) Individual experiences and interactions with culture 
d) Government regulations 
Answer: c

What is the primary focus of postmodernism in education? 
a) Emphasizing objective knowledge and universal truths 
b) Rejecting all forms of education 
c) Challenging grand narratives and questioning power structures 
d) Promoting traditional teaching methods 
Answer: c

How does postmodernism view truth? 
a) Objective and universal 
b) Culturally constructed and contingent 
c) Based on religious beliefs 
d) Immutable and unchanging 
Answer: b

What is the role of the teacher in postmodernism? 
a) Transmitting knowledge to students 
b) Guiding students' self-directed learning 
c) Enforcing rules and regulations in the classroom 
d) Imposing personal beliefs on students 
Answer: b

According to postmodernism, how is knowledge related to power? 
a) Knowledge is independent of power 
b) Power determines what is considered knowledge 
c) Knowledge and power are unrelated concepts 
d) Knowledge is a result of divine intervention 
Answer: b

Who are the proponents of postmodernism? 
a) Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud 
b) Albert Einstein and Marie Curie 
c) Fredrick Jameson and Michel Foucault 
d) Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin 
Answer: c

What is the main characteristic of postmodernism? 
a) Emphasis on absolute truths 
b) Rejection of all scientific knowledge 
c) Fragmentation and decentered self 
d) Belief in one universal narrative 
Answer: c

What does postmodernism reject? 
a) Critical thinking and skepticism 
b) Tradition and cultural diversity 
c) Power structures and grand narratives 
d) Individuality and personal growth 
Answer: c

According to postmodernism, where does truth come from? 
a) Objective reality 
b) Cultural constructs and contexts 
c) Divine revelation 
d) Authoritative figures 
Answer: b

What is the main goal of postmodernism? 
a) Preservation of traditional values 
b) Creation of a universal civilization 
c) Recognition of diverse perspectives and narratives 
d) Elimination of cultural differences 
Answer: c

What is the focus of modernism? 
a) Preservation of traditional beliefs and practices 
b) Emphasis on individualism and personal freedom 
c) Progress based on knowledge and reason 
d) Rejection of scientific advancements 
Answer: c

How does postmodernism view language? 
a) Objective representation of reality 
b) Social construct that shapes and identifies the subject 
c) Universal tool for communication
d) Insignificant in the acquisition of knowledge 
Answer: b

Who are some key figures associated with postmodernism? 
a) Plato and Aristotle 
b) Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei 
c) Jean Baudrillard and Jacques Derrida 
d) William Shakespeare and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
Answer: c

What is the main critique of postmodernism in education? 
a) Lack of focus on individuality and personal growth 
b) Overemphasis on traditional teaching methods 
c) Use of education for political purposes 
d) Promotion of cultural diversity 
Answer: c

In pragmatism and progressivism, the emphasis is on: 
a) Obedience to authority 
b) Memorization of facts and figures 
c) Critical thinking and problem-solving skills 
d) Conformity to societal norms 
Answer: c

The teacher's role in reconstructionism and existentialism is to: 
a) Impose knowledge on students 
b) Dictate the curriculum 
c) Facilitate student learning and provide resources 
d) Enforce rules and regulations 
Answer: c

EDU 101-Quiz#1
EDU 101-Quiz#1

According to postmodernism, truth is: 
a) Objective and universal 
b) Contingent and culturally constructed 
c) Based on religious beliefs 
d) Immutable and unchanging 
Answer: b

Who determines values and ethics in reconstructionism and existentialism? 
a) Society as a whole 
b) Religious authorities 
c) Individual experiences and interactions with culture 
d) Government regulations 
Answer: c

Postmodernism challenges: 
a) Objective knowledge and universal truths 
b) All forms of education 
c) Grand narratives and power structures 
d) Traditional teaching methods 
Answer: c

According to postmodernism, knowledge is related to: 
a) Power 
b) Culture 
c) Religion 
d) Gender 
Answer: a

Proponents of postmodernism include: 
a) Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud 
b) Albert Einstein and Marie Curie 
c) Fredrick Jameson and Michel Foucault 
d) Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin 
Answer: c

Postmodernism is characterized by: 
a) Absolute truths 
b) Rejection of scientific knowledge 
c) Fragmentation and decentered self 
d) Belief in one universal narrative 
Answer: c

Postmodernism rejects: 
a) Critical thinking and skepticism 
b) Tradition and cultural diversity 
c) Power structures and grand narratives 
d) Individuality and personal growth 
Answer: c

According to postmodernism, truth comes from: 
a) Objective reality 
b) Cultural constructs and contexts 
c) Divine revelation 
d) Authoritative figures 
Answer: b

What is the main characteristic of the sensorimotor stage? 
a) Egocentric thinking 
b) Logical reasoning 
c) Symbolic thought 
d) Exploration through senses and motor skills 
Answer: d

What is the primary focus of cognitive psychology? 
a) Observable behaviors 
b) Environmental stimuli 
c) Information processing and memory 
d) Reinforcement and punishment 
Answer: c

Which learning outcome is related to the acquisition of intellectual skills? 
a) Information 
b) Cognitive strategies 
c) Motor skills 
d) Attitudes 
Answer: a

According to Gagne's hierarchy of learning, what comes after signal learning? 
a) Stimulus-response 
b) Motor chains 
c) Verbal association 
d) Multiple discriminations 
Answer: a

Which learning outcome refers to the ability to coordinate movements? 
a) Intellectual skills 
b) Information 
c) Cognitive strategies 
d) Motor skills 
Answer: d

In Gagne's instructional events, what is the role of the teacher during the presentation of the stimulus? 
a) Prepare the environment 
b) Provide reinforcement 
c) Demonstrate the task
d) Assess performance 
Answer: c

What is the main criticism of behaviorism? 
a) It doesn't explain language and learning 
b) It focuses too much on cognitive processes 
c) It neglects the role of reinforcement 
d) It disregards the importance of prior knowledge 
Answer: a

Which theorist is associated with the concept of multiple discriminations in Gagne's hierarchy of learning? 
a) B.F. Skinner 
b) Ivan Pavlov 
c) Jean Piaget 
d) Robert Gagne 
Answer: d

What does assimilation mean in Piaget's theory? 
a) Adapting existing ideas to fit new understandings 
b) Incorporating new ideas into an existing schema 
c) Developing new schema for interacting with old concepts 
d) Changing schema to fit new information 
Answer: b

What is the primary focus of cognitive psychology? 
a) Observable behaviors 
b) Environmental stimuli 
c) Information processing and memory 
d) Reinforcement and punishment 
Answer: c

In Gagne's hierarchy of learning, what comes after motor chains? 
a) Verbal association 
b) Multiple discriminations 
c) Concept learning 
d) Problem-solving 
Answer: a

Which learning outcome is related to the acquisition of cognitive strategies? 
a) Intellectual skills 
b) Information 
c) Cognitive strategies 
d) Motor skills 
Answer: c

According to Gagne's hierarchy of learning, what comes after rules? 
a) Problem-solving 
b) Intellectual skills 
c) Concept learning 
d) Motor skills 
Answer: a

What did Maria Montessori focus on in her educational approach? 
a) Behaviorism and reinforcement 
b) Cognitive strategies and problem-solving 
c) Sensory stimulation and shaping thinking 
d) Language development and information processing 
Answer: c

What did Maria Montessori establish in 1906? 
a) A psychiatric clinic 
b) A progressive school 
c) A child advocacy program 
d) A sensory stimulation center 
Answer: b

Which psychologist influenced the theories of Piaget, Taba, and Kohlberg? 
a) B.F. Skinner 
b) Maria Montessori 
c) Robert Gagne 
d) Jean Piaget 
Answer: d